Monday, October 12, 2009

October is Orange

Maybe you've been out to our back pattio and seen the HORRIBLE siding that the past home owner either put up or left up. (See the picture below.) I think it was once a nice cream color. It's turned black and brittle in the sun so I took it down. That created a three foot drop off onto our driveway.

And wouldn't you know the very next day after I had taken it all down Clare fell off.
So, here are some pictures of Clare and I painting the new trellis we are putting up to stop young ones from falling off and give us additional privacy and shade.

Fun story. Clare is very observant. I wanted to take some pictures of her helping me paint. So I put the camera on timer mode and snapped a few shots. I continued painting, she started playing around behind me. I heard the camera go off, she was playing with it. I picked it up to see what she'd taken a picture of...
Here it is Clare's first self photo. I have about five pictures she took the same way. She pressed the button and then stood right behind me as the camera took her picture. SO CUTE!

Of course she got paint on her hands and had fun rubbing it around. I put her in the pool before she could get it on anything else.


Erin said...

That self portrait is so cute!

Jeffery's said...

I love it! She is so darn cute. Love the paint all over her arms. Kids are so fun!