Monday, January 18, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year/Bad Air

At the beginning of this year not much has changed at our house.
Rick is training for a marathon. The Ogden Marathon.
Chrysi is making a quilt for Clare. (first quilt I've ever made)
Clare has a new love of dresses and playing dress-up.
But really we're still the same people.

Now I missed blogging in December so here's a breif overview of that by-gone month.

December was the best month of the year! Here is why.
Rick had over a week and a half off from work!
I've been pronounced healthy! (The PE were not caused by an underlying medical condition.)
Clare's weight seems to be up. (cross your fingers!)
We got to spend numerous days with both sides of our family.
We gave of ourselves and received as well.
Christmas is our favorite holiday. It just feels good and makes us happy.

December was tough, rough and were glad it's over. Here is why.
We all got sick. Uck!
The Air turned bad. (Ack hack I can't breath it's too thick)
Clare's Dr.s are talking feeding tube.
Pseudomonas. Clare's got it. More time in therapy doing Toby.
We miss the Hales family.