I'm just in love with flowers. I absolutely LOVE a beautiful well planned flower garden. If only I had one.
I planted bulbs last fall and the tulips are blooming. Yay! I planted bulbs this spring and the lilies and crocosmia are starting to peek up through the soil. And our beloved back yard tulips which grow out of the grass on the side next to the garage, (they came with the house), are up again and there are more. They naturalized!!!
But in spite of the fact that I do have flowers this year that does not equal the garden I so long to see each time I look at the house or out the windows. However at the rate I'm currently going I may at least have a full looking flower bed in another two years. We'll see. Then we'll see if I've been able to make it look like a garden and not just random flowers unplanned and thrown together. Of course that's what the south side of the house will look like. I sprinkled wildflower seeds all over and I'm crossing everything I have and hoping that they grow and look pretty not like just a bunch of weeds. well we'll see. Don't feel sorry for me. I have flowers. I have roses and vinca minor and lilacs and the crab apple tree. Beautiful!
And I have the cutest little gardener who comes and digs in my raspberries. She's better than all the flowers in the world.